Depeche Mode “Violator” (1991) De/Vision “Unversed in Love” (1995)
Modern synthpop from the late 80s onwards is often seen as a watered down version of the original late 70s to early 80s synthpop, that has been steadily acquiring more of a high art status over the decades. Though unintentionally, these album sleeves by the two crucial bands of genuine and modern synthpop illustrate this difference beautifully – it’s a like a noble blood red rose compared to a simple camomile.
But to be fair, De/Vision and those responsible for the design of their artworks were far, far ahead of Depeche Mode in their use of geometric shapes as letters.
De/Vision's early logo from the early 1990s, the right angle is for "D", the lower angle is for "V" |
Depeche Mode's "Delta Machine" (2013) logo, the left triangle is for "D", the joint triangles are for "M" |
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