Saturday, September 1, 2012


Signing up to be an angels’s bitch is the best health insurance on Supernatural. And I don’t only mean the “re-hymenation” Castiel performed on them after he’d dragged the boys from Hell. Think of all the times they got brutally beaten up, slammed against walls, slashed with knives and so on – what little time it took them to heal their wounds and recover. This is a TV trope common to many shows (Jared Padalecki referred to it as the "WB ointment") but I firmly believe the main reason why the guys are still fit and good-looking after years of doing a job like theirs is because angels have been watching over them since they were born – if only because Sam and Dean were destined to become vessels for two of the mightiest archangels. Seriously, they never seem to have any concussions or broken bones, not even scars – apparently, angels care about their physical health. Too bad there’s not much the heavenly doctors can do about their mental health. And it’s funny how immediately after Castiel is gone in early Season 7, their physical vulnerability gets to the guys: Dean breaks his leg, Sam’s haunted by suicidal hallucinations. Remember the time when you stitched your own wounds, put back dislocated shoulders and even brought each other back from the dead without relying on Magical Insta-Healing Angelic Fingers, guys? And, of course, Sam and Dean's speculations about whether they are going to make it into, say, their 40s, are totally meaningless -- I don't think the angels or Death will allow the demise of the men with such important missions on their hands. Not yet.

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