Tuesday, November 22, 2011

5.03 "Free To Be You And Me" review

1. That’s a very gay title.

2. Remember some early Season 1 episode, when they parted ways – nothing good came out of it. Sam ran into Meg, the demon.
3. The boys are synchronic, without even knowing it.

4. Ooh, Dean is missing the guy on his passenger seat.

5. Dean’s solo case involves blood (“Eat it, Twilight”) – see, he even picks up “jobs” that remind him of Sam.

6. Sam literally burns his past (fake IDs and credit cards), like bridges.
7. Jessica’s first appearance. Is she (a) a dream?; (b) a hallucination? (a “When The Levee Breaks” hangover?); (c) a vision in flesh?; (d) already Lucifer?

8. I’ll say it again: Sam has seen so much nothing is going to surprise him. Even Jessica materialising on his bed like she was real. He behaves as if they met yesterday.

9. God, is she disapproving.

10. Jeremy Carver wrote this. I like how the episode’s opening and closing scenes, intentionally or not, start with Sam sleeping – apart from being openly erotic, it also harks back to Carver’s “Mystery Spot” where Sam had to wake up like that a dozen times (the closing scene where he suddenly snaps his eyes open is especially reminiscent).

11. Annoying Lindsay aka Mary Sue aka curiosity (nearly) killed the cat.

12. I was expecting a sex scene – everything was arriving at it. But it never happened. And imagine my delight when I found out the sex scene was supposed to be there, but was finally deleted. Bravo, show. It would have been completely illogical and OOC for Sam because (a) come on, it’s less than a month that he’s started the Apocalypse, he should be brooding, not thinking about sex; (b) we did decide he should be cautious of women for at least a year (for the rest of his life would be better), didn’t we?; (c) fans would not approve it, show, and do you know it. Hell, we saw Sam shirtless, and that alone was much better than a sex scene. Also, we saw him in a white uniform – another evidence how perfectly well white fits this guy. 

13. Oh, you’re both such show-offs, boys, what with the darts and vampire killing.

14. Personal space! Dean, it’s only now you noticed? Gay moment.

15. Role reversal: Castiel asks Dean to help him. So, you won’t be Michael’s sword, Dean, but being Castiel’s shield you can take.

15 +. Dean asks Castiel if he may have his “necklace” back yet. I love how in the Russian version they somewhat freely translated this “necklace” as «ошейник» (=dog-collar). Dead right! Dean is (a) as devoted to his brother like a dog is to its master; (b) sadomasochistically attached to him – they hurt each other oh so bad but still prefer to stay together. 
16. The show’s mix of faith and seriousness with humour is perfect, is brilliant.

17. Enochian sounds cool.

18. Castiel is ridiculously socially inept. No wonder, the only humans he ever communicated with so far have been Dean and Sam, social freaks.

19. Police officer and hooker scenes are masterpieces, “Yellow Fever”-like ridiculous.  
20. “This industry runs on absent fathers” – should know, Dean. Maybe that’s why he connects to these hooker girls so easily. They are society’s rejects, like him. Hunting somehow parallels prostitution. How cheesy.

21. Dean hadn’t laughed like that in years. Neither had we.

22. Angels also got a M.I.A. father.

23. Archangels want a Paradise on Earth, but through destruction.

24. Castiel learns human habits slower than human speak. With humans, he’s feeling awkward. With his angelic brothers, though, he can be the biggest wanker ever. “Come and get me, bastard”, “Tonight you’re my little bitch”. And Dean never even taught him such foul language! Tough guy.

25. Dean definitely misses his big brother role, so, naturally, he’s happy to get back into it with Castiel.

26. I’ll say it again: it’s real fun to watch Castiel come down from his heavenly pedestal into human realm.

27. The show’s getting progressively more aesthetic and exquisite with every season. No more disgusting ghouls or werewolves emitting repulsive sounds and substances. Now we’ve got angels, and holy fire rather than blood.
28. Sam doesn’t even know if Sam is his real name anymore, if he is what and who he is.

29. He can’t run from his “path”. He does something – it causes harm, he doesn’t do anything – it causes harm nevertheless. This hunter probably wouldn’t have died, if Sam had tackled the case himself. People die anyway, increasing his guilt (how “Playthings” is this?).

30. These hunters went mad over the death of their friend. How it mirrors Sam and Dean’s passionate bond. Are all hunters that Old Testamentally harsh and devoted to each other? Then Sam and Dean are very gentle hunters indeed. Like, an exception.

31. Congrats, Sam, even your kin is after you now.

32. Oh how he resists this violence. Gay moment.

33. Dean says he’s happy “especially without my brother”. Liar, LIAR.

34. Even Castiel disapproves of his lie – he disappears from the Impala’s passenger seat just after he’d heard Dean’s speech – as if indirectly telling him who should really be there by his side. Slash girls, Castiel totally approves of Sam/Dean OTP! He’s not gonna steal the man from his brother! Ooh, I actually thought Castiel didn’t think much of Sam.

35. We’ve had so much fun and substance in this episode that by the time Lucifer arrives, you couldn’t wish for more.

36. While Michael is obviously far too busy and, admit it, high and mighty to personally meet his vessel, sending his ambassadors to Dean instead, Lucifer acts like a much more suave and soft-spoken stalker that he is. He never insists or threatens, just induces. As funny as it sounds, I even like him. After all, I’m a perennial sucker for all things gay, and Luicfer is a total gender bender – no wonder his brothers call him Lucy. He steals the appearances and words of the people his “vessels” loved. He disguises himself as Jessica, and Sam kisses her/him on the neck. Now imagine if Sam wanted to kiss her/him on the lips, wanted to make love to his vision? Gay moment to end all gay moments. Lucifer calls Sam “baby” (twice!) and reaches to stroke his face. To top it all, what Lucifer offers Sam is homo down to the bone (“you’ll let me in”). And Sam recognises him and is afraid of him. I think it’s a very interesting relationship just emerging.

37. Sam, you know sooner or later you’ll call Dean, so don’t be a 12-year old girl, do it yet.

38. Now Sam knows that Dean is Michael’s vessel, and the one to stop Lucifer, and he himself is destined for Lucifer. What’s a boy to do? I guess he’ll be hiding it from Dean – not because he’s scared for his own life, but because he would hate to reveal the tragic task to his brother.    

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