Wednesday, November 23, 2011

5.09 "The Real Ghostbusters" review

1. It’s the third games-centered episode in a row we’ve seen. All of the three (the previous ones being “The Curious Case…” and “Changing Channels”) involve an alternate universe.

2. All of the three have meta titles, referring to films. Most of Season 5’s episode titles so far have been referential. God, what does this show have that is its own?
3. Also, the string of episodes from “Fallen Idols” (also a fandom-centered episode) up to “…Ghostbusters” (with the exception of “…Children…”) could probably be the funniest and most meta-saturated month of Supernatural ever so far.  

4. This particular episode could have emerged from a SPN forum thread. “Who would you play in a Supernatural episode?” “Which Supernatural episode would you like to be in?”  Seven “episodes” in four entries, preverbial me.

5. “Then” goes as far back as Season 1. Fringy Sammy!

6. Impala shapeshifters! Dean, first your car comes alive, then it multiplies. Be careful to pick the right one when you leave.  

7. Chuck and Becky are a hot item now. Chuck, there’s something deeply disturbing in the fact that your girlfriend fancies the character of your books.

8. By the way, Chuck himself also has a double identity. He’s an alcoholic geek Chuck Shurley and writer Carver Edlund, just like there are hunters Sam W. and Dean W. and fictional characters Sam and Dean in his books. The difference is that the real and literary Sam and Dean are very much alike, while Chuck and his alter ego are worlds apart.

9. I wonder if Chuck told Becky what happened after Dean went to Hell (that is, the last book in the series). Probably not.  

10. I’m sure the “Got salt?” T-shirts are on sale on SPN-related merch sites for real, thanks to this episode.

11. Most “Supernatural” books’ fans are male? At least, the LARPing ones? You’ve gotta be kidding me. Then again, maybe Chuck infused his Sam and Dean with something that appeals to men more? There might be a lesson somewhere for the canonical Supernatural.

12. A-ha-ha, Dean, so that’s what happens to you if you eat too many of your favourite bacon cheeseburgers? Mind you, it’s the second time they warn you (cf. “The Curious Case…”). These guys don’t go on regular hunting trips like you do, though, so you needn’t worry too much.

13. There must be no pictures in “Supernatural” books because the real Sam and Dean do not seem to be recognized as the one true Sam and Dean (and that’s for the better).

14. It would have been very funny if Sam and Dean had run into fake John or Jessica or Ruby. Now that would be a nightmare.

15. Mirror device at work: all the LARPing boys and girls impersonating the brothers.

16. “Frightened Little Boy: The Secret Life of Dean”. Dean, the show’s being so mean to you. You’re supposed to be the fearless one but the fans see right through you and all your guilty pleasures, boo hoo.

17. “Homo-erotic subtext of Supernatural”. The boys can fight everything, but they’re absolutely helpless against the monster of people’s desire to read deep, dirty meanings into their story. I guess Becky Rosen is a monster in her own right. 

17+.Where’d you come up with Sam and Dean in the first place?” – “Oh… I… just came to me”. They’re visions. Chuck is the ultimate fangirl.

18. Becky’s likely to be the brains behind the revival of “Supernatural” books’ series and this convention, obviously held to promote the project, so it’s her Sam and Dean should reproach, not Chuck.

19. There’s a serious hen-or-egg, copyright issue here. Who’s really making your life, boys? Chuck sees it first in his premonitions, then you come to live these events – so, no one is stealing anything. And, again, I hate to tell it to you, but all of you, even Chuck and his books, are fictional, so chill out. And you’re both in a fictional TV show. And only people who make this show are real, you never knew that, geniuses? Never in four plus years?

20. And, guys, have you forgotten that threatening the Prophet will result in the appearance of the Archangel? And, seriously, what’s wrong with him writing about the last year you’ve lived? Oh, I get it, you don’t want your fights and failures publicized. Fans wouldn’t like you to stand in the way between his stories and them, anyway.  

21. Hey, everyone went to investigate the case, and what about discussions? I kinda wanted to hear about the “homoerotic subtext”.

22. Dean never misses an opportunity to flirt with a pretty girl. And he’s the one who’s “not afraid of women”. Does it mean all the other Dean-imitating blokes who’d tried to court this girl were geek pussies? So this compliment sounds very dubious, like shy and nerdy guys put on “Dean” to mask their lack of confidence.

23. When was the last time Dean had proper sex, by the way (says Dean’s therapist)? Earlier I thought there would be little to no major women connections this season, and there aren’t, but it’s clear Dean is a bit hungry for them (cf. “I Believe The Children…”). Oh, big boy, you should have asked the Trickster to put you into “Casa Erotica” last episode.

24. But call of duty is always stronger than that of the nature in Dean’s case.  

25. Leticia Gore is a clever and an openly comic (in SPN context) character name. It’s likely to be a dig at TWoP (what with the fabulous Dragon Raoul shrieking “GO-O-O-O-O-RE” in every recap), as well as the names of Sam and Dean’s doppelgangers.

26. “Agents Lennon and McCartney” – no, guys, the real Sam and Dean would never be that un-creative, so what you’re all in America and it’s 2009.

27. All of SPN’s kids are tortured. Either they come from a broken home or they are psychic, or have been traumatized. Could get away with a model, sitcom-like happy, healthy kid once in a while, show, just for fun?

28. Murder in the attic, the woman keeping naughty kids in control – how “Playthings” is this? Hence, “homoerotic subtext” references?

29. When Dean realizes that they’ve got a whole bunch of fans and a real ghost around, he states that this serves them right. Dean seems to be much more averse to fans of the Winchester team than Sam. Why? Does Supernatural want to tell us something? First it’s “Fallen Idols”, then this. Not getting a life can be fatal, thanks, we got that message already. Supernatural is dangerous for your health. Or else the show loves its fans to death, till it hurts.

30. The ghost boys were playing cowboys and Indians, the LARPers at the convention are playing, too.

31. Demian/Barnes, you may lack the brawn, brain and beauty of Sam and Dean, but you’re still awesome. Satirizing your brave hunters, Mr. Kripke? I hate to pose this question, but do you mean to tell us that that’s how heroes come to life on the inky pages and the silver screen? That some shy, nerdy guy (e.g. Chuck) thinks of something he can’t have or be, and then creates an anti-version of himself – bigger, better, faster, stronger? I’m totally asking you the question Barnes posed to Chuck.
32. By the way, later it is found out that Demian fixes copiers and Barnes sells stereo systems. Now Dean is this kind of good-with-his-hands guy (he can fix cars), and Sam… well, he’s always been the arty one and his power of persuasion is immense, so…

33. Also by the way, we know much more about Dean’s off-hunting life and interests than these of Sam. Dean actually has some hobbies: he loves cars, music, socializing with pretty girls, films and television. But we never know what Sam does in his spare time. He’s either moping around or doing his research, but both are still part of his job, not leisure. He’s a workaholic. Get a life, Sammy.

34. Dean’s freaked out by “Dad told me I may have to kill you” scene between Demian and Barnes. It’s one thing saying it once but another hearing somebody repeat it and getting to understand how awful it might have sounded when you said that to Sam. Maybe Dean’s afraid some LARPing fans may take John’s order too close to heart, especially after Sam failed to save Dean from Hell.

35. Dean’s so pissed-off with this quest investigation because it cheapens their experience. Like, does it mean their whole life they’ve only been playing a game – for a 50-dollar “Sizzler” card? It’s an insult to him and his father. And a good teaching technique, John, by the way. And, boys, guess your Dad never gave you anything even that small as a “Sizzler” card when you did something right, so… hurts. Cf. “Jump The Shark”.

36. “We get the Sizzler gift card. And we get to be Sam and Dean.” Cf. Sam and Dean’s quibbles at any given time.  

37. So, Dean, maybe the show wants to tell you something about your personality by regularly putting you face-to-face with your doubles? But you know what? Never change.

38. The conversation the foursome have at the cemetery is brilliant. Dean rants: “No, I'm not a fan, okay. Not fans. In fact, I think the Dean and Sam story sucks [cf. Demian’s “our lives suck” later]. It is not fun, it's not entertaining. It is a river of crap that would send most people howling to the nuthouse!” So, that’s how you hate your life, poor frightened boy?

39. “Their pain is not for your amusement. I mean, you think they enjoy being treated like – like circus freaks?” Dean, you’re so terribly wrong. Your pain is our pleasure. We love it. You do pain instead of us all. Wow, I’m being so heavy on Biblical references.

40. Demian’s “I don’t think they care. Because they’re fictional characters” is so true it is hilarious and probably qualifies as the best line in the whole episode. Atta boy. It should kick Dean’s common sense into place. Even though he tries to oppose it with his “Oh, they care. Believe me, they care a lot”. It also shows how ridiculous fans and people by and large can be, taking fictional characters’ dramas as seriously, if not more so, as their own ones (“Serious Business”).

41. “He takes the story really seriously”. Fangirl.

42. It’s ironic that it’s a German fan who’s the most sceptical about “Supernatural” (and he’s the only one who ends up dead) – like, probably Mr. Kripke aims to show us that the Europeans might find his show derivative of all the legends and myths the Old World culture has had for ages (hence, the fan’s jaded reaction to some more creepy kids on Supernatural – both the show and the book), and, therefore, feel somewhat superior. But look what awaits those who don’t believe in American legends!

43. Anyway, the creepy kids, the convention, or Chuck/Becky romance are all subplots to Sam/Dean & Demian/Barnes interactions.

44. One of the creepy kids practically molests Dean.

45. Boys, really, your iron bar skills are, hmm, rusty. Been practicing telekinetic mojo too much.

46. Demian, still a long way to be a real Dean, but you’ve got talent, man.

47. I bet Chuck knew what to do because he wrote the books. His characters taught him their cool techniques. By the way, why couldn’t they use the Surprise!Archangel trick to fight the naughty kids?

48. “I’m not sure you get what the story’s about”. Dean’s all, who me? Spent years living this life, and I don’t get it?

49. Demian’s “But Sam and Dean. To wake up every morning [you surely mean wake up together-together, Demian?] and save the world. To have a brother who would die for you. Well, who wouldn't want that?” is another best quote from the episode. You’ve got a point, boy. Even Dean kinda agrees he should count his blessings.

50. “We’re more than friends. We’re partners”. And they hold hands, and Barnes puts his head on Demian’s shoulder. And as soppy as it seems, it’s a touching moment as it also highlights Sam and Dean’s relationship. See, Dean, there’s a lesson to be learnt somewhere. Don’t hug, don’t cry on each other’s shoulder, don’t slow-dance, just be brothers like only you know how.

51. Dean doesn’t even exasperate anymore at why people take them for gays. He comes to embrace the idea.

52. Cheesy, melodramatic violins orchestrate Sam and Becky’s break-up. Sam’s faking regretfulness because he’s so polite. Chuck, you should be proud of your boys.

53. Becky, being a hardcore fan can be really useful. Atta girl. And how does she know they are looking for the Colt? Chuck?

54. So, will she keep on writing Wincest now that she’s totally gave her heart to the boy’s literary father? Promiscuous girl. 

55. And again, I see nothing wrong with Chuck continuing his publications, so I don’t know if Sam’s joking or not – don’t threaten the prophet, guys, you know what follows.

56. Sly-smiling Dean is surely not going to tell Sam how a gay couple saved their lives.

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